Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Hurricane Malt Liquor

The Hurricane line of malt liquors is becoming a prominent segment in the Anheuser-Busch
portfolio.  Hurricane Malt Liquor, "is full-bodied and robust, and offers a smooth slightly
fruity and slightly sweet taste," and was introduced in 1995 as A-B's second malt liquor
offering.  Responding to the ice beer phenomenon of the 1990s, Anheuser-Busch rolled out
Hurricane Ice in 1996.  This variant has "extra smoothness and body," and is brewed with
barley malt and grains (like Hurricane), but undergoes an ice-brewing process, resulting in a
higher alcohol content (7.5% as opposed to 6%).  In 2005 the company introduced
Hurricane High Gravity, which has become the leader in this family in alcohol content
(8.1%) and sales.  Hurricane HG is more often seen in stores than the other two brands,
and it is "brewed with quality hops and extra barley malt to produce its full-bodied flavor."
None of these malt liquors (this name is used in the USA to comply with government trade
regulations that do not allow the sale of strong beer), known as "extra-strong beer (ESB)" in
Britain, are given television or radio advertising attention, but one may find point-of-sale
advertising for the Hurricane line in liquor stores from time to time.  These beers are available
in 12 oz., 16 oz., and 24 oz. cans and in 22 oz., 32 oz., and 40 oz. bottles. 
I have tried both Hurricane and Hurricane HG, and I find both to be delicious malt liquor
beers.  The alcohol level in the HG version is especially noticeable. 
NOTE:  It is recommended that these products be drunk from the can instead of the bottle,
as the clear glass may allow light to spoil the drink.
Quotes were taken from the Anheuser-Busch website.

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