Saturday, November 2, 2013

Carta Blanca

Carta Blanca (Blank Check) was introduced by Cuauhtémoc Brewery in 1890 in Monterrey, Mexico. This beer was the original beer of the brewery, and was the flagship beer, until the 1980s, when the Dos Equis line began to overshadow it, after the merger with the Moctezuma company in 1985. At 4.5% alcohol, Carta Blanca is an easy-drinking, mass-produced lager, and is widely available, typically in 32 oz. bottle in six-packs of 12-oz. bottles in select locations. Cans are rare, but are produced.

One will run across this beer on many menus in Mexican restaurants, and this writer can attest to the exceptional pair-ability of this lager with spicy Mexican or Tex-Mex offerings. It is highly recommended that the beer enthusiast sample this classic beer brand.

NOTE: Heineken International acquired this company in 2010.