Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Miller Genuine Draft

After being test-marketed in 1985, Miller Genuine Draft (originally Miller High Life Genuine Draft)
was rolled out nationally in 1986.  Miller's trade-mark cold-filtering process allows this beer to be
shipped and stored warm without undergoing pasteurization.  Except for the fact that Miller High
Life is pasteurized, and not cold filtered, these two products have identical alcohol, calories, carbs,
protein, etc.  MGD was the first large-scale bottled/canned draft beer, although other brands,
notably Piels, had previously introduced such a product as early as the 1970s.  While no longer
heavily marketed (MGD 64 has replaced it as the flag-ship brand of the line, and is given heavy
commercial rotation), MGD is a strong seller and is almost always found on store shelves, usually
in 12 oz. cans or bottles and in 6, 12, 24, or 30 count packages.  One will occasionally see MGD
in tall 24 oz. cans or in 16 oz. plastic bottles at ballgames.  Positioned at the premium-priced level,
MGD competes directly with Budweiser and Coors, although Miller High Life, positioned at the
sub-premium level, is a much bigger-selling Miller product, and receives enormously more
advertising attention from Miller Brewing Company. 
For those who might appreciate a light-bodied, semi-sweet beer, with an average alcohol level
(4.7%), Miller Genuine Draft should fit the bill.  You might be surprised by how well this beer
accompanies a sandwich and chips.

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